The problem with truck loans is that financing or leasing a truck can be difficult and expensive if you have a credit score of 600 or less.
The amount you can borrow depends on your financial situation, the truck you want to finance and the lender you choose to work with. Financial details such as your income, debt, credit score, down payment and available collateral may affect the amount you are entitled to. Likewise, some lenders are able to offer more credit than others, so the type of lender you work with also matters. Finally, the truck you buy also affects how much you qualify for, as most lenders won't lend you more than the value of the truck.
Typically, bad credit truck loans do not require a down payment. However, every lender is different, so be sure to check their requirements before applying.
The biggest difference between getting a truck loan with bad credit and good credit is where your loan comes from.